Best 6 pet Spiders in the world

pet Spiders aren’t always people’s “favorites” when it comes to pets. A few social media accounts that share cute videos of the arachnids are contributing to their rise in popularity. After watching such films, the majority of people have had a strong urge to acquire from breeders and join spider communities.

The question of whether or not particular pet spider species should be kept as pets is hotly debated, but like all things, one’s perception of love is subjective. Prepare to discover about this article’s top spider species for pet ownership

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Wolf Spiders

Another popular species of spider kept as pets are wolf spiders. Because they hunt on foot, they are simple to feed. The wolf pet spiders would be happiest in a bioactive cage and would love to have lots of hiding spots. One drawback is that, given their speed, they shouldn’t be handled; they don’t like to be held.

Before determining if wolf spiders are the ideal pet for you, there are numerous species to research. The largest species has a maximum length of two inches. If you decide to get a wolf spider, make sure you research its needs and locate a suitable enclosure.

Orbweavers pet Spiders

pet Spiders

The most prevalent kind of pet spiders is the unusual orbweaver, which may be found everywhere. They can be enormous, like the yellow garden spider (Argiope aurantia), or tiny, colorful, and spiky; they can also be big-bodied, brown, and decorated with elaborate motifs. They all weave enormous, sticky, sphere-shaped webs to capture insects, and they sit on these webs for nearly their whole lives.

They are only suitable as pets because of this. But in order to weave their enormous webs, they do need spacious, well-ventilated habitats. A little orbweaver, such as the pumpkin patch or the spiny-backed orbweaver, would be much easier to house. They have a one to three year lifespan and are smaller than an inch.

Southern House Spider (Kukulcania hibernalis)

These incredible spiders are also known as huge crevice weavers or black hole pet spiders. They can be discovered in tiny cracks or holes in the side of buildings. They can occasionally be discovered inside, hiding in high-up cracks in walls or ceilings or behind windows. Females reach lengths of 0.50 to 0.70 inches and have a rich, chocolate brown color.

They can live up to eight years and are quite docile. If you are fortunate enough to handle a southern house spider, you will find them to be incredibly gentle. These are easy-to-care-for spiders that are entertaining to keep. Because they like to reside in little holes and use sticky webbing as an outdoor doormat, housing can be challenging. The pet spiders launches itself and grabs hold of everything that touches the webbing.


Although tarantulas are incredible arachnids, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research before choosing a particular species. In comparison to New World tarantulas, Old World tarantulas are more aggressive and challenging for novices. They come in a wide range of colors and kinds; some are more inclined to bite than others.

The likelihood of your tarantula pleading to be held is very low. These kinds are simpler to manage than many others, though. Everything is dependent on the particular spider. These pet spiders have a 20–30 year lifespan on average. Be sure to locate the ideal enclosure.

Velvet Spiders

The velvet pet spiders is a wonderful pet and is quite cute. With several species that vary in color—such as the ladybird velvet spider, whose male is red and black—they are incredibly simple to take care of. They are from an extremely arid climate, so they don’t need water, and they are only an inch long at most. The insects they consume provide them with water. Velvet spiders would rather stay inside their tiny moss-filled burrows than spend their time exploring. When handled properly, they are quite gentle and manageable. They may even share a home with other velvet spiders on occasion. Though far more costly than jumping spiders, they are well worth the extra money.

Jumping Spiders

The best pet spiders to keep as pets were ranked #1 by jumping spiders. They are often gregarious, enjoy human interaction, and are naturally curious. Among the simplest spiders to handle are jumping spiders.

These spiders come in a variety of species, some of which are ant-sized in both size and color. It is advisable to have one of the larger species, such as the brave or majestic jumping spiders, if you are just getting started. They are also typically the most amiable species.

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